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Cabin Fever

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Early morn

Early morn

Cabin for sale

Cabin Fever is what I am experiencing right now, but unlike the definition describes about Cabin Fever my fever is a bit different.

I have a fever to own a cabin in the mountains. I have had this dream ever since I could understand the words to the song “Over the River and Through the Woods” I can still picture in my mind the snow, the horse-drawn carriage and going away from everyone to a place set in snow deep in the woods on a mountain somewhere. A dream is born.

This past weekend I went with my son and his family to Grand Mesa in Colorado. As we were driving towards the top of the Mesa it just did not seem like a place where there would be woods and snow, the surrounding area really seemed a bit like the Grand Canyon than a mountain top. Beautiful vast views of rocky buttes and open space, but not exactly what I had envisioned.

To my surprise as we reached the top the world changed. The snow was deep, aspen trees were everywhere mixed among towering pine trees. We were there, on top of the Mesa I was so amazed at how driving up to an elevation of 10,000 feet could completely change the landscape.

We came there with snowmobiles in tow and 3 small children. It was going to be a family time. But I also brought my camera and  each morning I would get up before just before dawn and walk along the snow-covered roads that were only accessible by snowmobile now. I could see all the cabins that were situated on the shores of the now frozen lakes. Some were new some were original older cabins, but there were cabins just the same. I was having Cabin Fever to own a cabin in such a beautiful spot.

I took pictures of some of the cabins that I could imagine myself living in. Snow piled outside so high the almost covered the windows. Small row boats leaning against the walls just waiting for summer to come back around. Stone chimneys where I could just smell the wood burning in crisp morning air. Outside the only sound was the wind blowing through the pines or a chirp of a chick-a-dee pecking at the pine cones. This is the place of my dreams.

I have a dream of owning a cabin in a place like this one day. Somewhere to go and photograph nature and wildlife and just enjoy the peace and quite that only nature can offer. Build a fire,make a fresh pot of coffee and go through the photographs I took just the night before during an amazing sunset.

So you see during this time of year when we spend more time indoors due to the cold and short days of winter, I do get Cabin Fever, but mine is a fever to be shut in a cabin in the deep winter months. Locked away from the world and enjoying the new snow cold crisp nights and a crackling fire.

Will this be the year  I finally find my cabin home? I have no idea, but for now just dreaming is good enough because dreams have a way of turning into reality if you believe they can.

Here are a few of the cabins I saw while staying in Grand Mesa National Forest

Blog Awards

I got an email yesterday I received  a blog award from Montana Ranch Girl. Thank you so much. I discovered her blog by searching Montana, and I knew as soon as I found it she would have great stories. I myself worked on some ranches in Montana and it is not always like they portray in the movies or on TV. Read her blog and you will get a real feel for what this lifestyle is all about.

This award does come with a few rules, as follows:

List 11 facts about yourself

Answer the questions given to you

Create new questions for the bloggers you nominate for the award

Choose blogger’s page and let them know about the award

Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog:

Facts about myself.

  1. I am an equine and rural life photographer and I have been studying photography intensely for the past 6 years.
  2. I live my winters in Littleton, Colorado, and my summers in Belgium
  3. I am married to a Belgian guy who is not only my best friend but my hero. I could not live this extraordinary life without the support he gives me.
  4. If you were to pop in and visit me my house would be clean and comfortable, but I would probably look a mess.
  5. These are the things I love, snow, country back roads, old men, thunderstorms, mountains, fog, well-mannered dogs, and a good cup of coffee
  6. I have a great bunch of kids and 7.4 grandkids that are each very unique.
  7. I have come close but I still have not found a place to call home. It would be a log cabin in the mountains when I do find it.
  8. I am terrible at learning a second language
  9. My favorite states are Montana, Colorado, Idaho, Wisconsin, and always wanted to discover Oregon and Maine.
  10. I feel alive when I taking a photograph and working alone.
  11. I love Apple and all their products, they make my life easy.

Question from  Montana Ranch Girl

When did you last have a heart-heart talk with yourself? About what?

I just had this talk to myself before the New Year. I wanted to figure out what I was going to do with the knowledge I have learned in the past 6 years studying photography. I had to figure out what kind of photographer I am going to be. I decided to go away from what would bring me quick money. portraits, family, pets, events, weddings, and do what I love which is photograph horses and rural life.

How do you live your values daily?

Wow, tough one!  I first say what I value, my family, my husband, my time alone, my spiritual growth, the natural world, and reading. So I have made great leaps to be more involved in my families lives this past year by splitting my time between Belgium and Colorado, I value my relationship with my husband by excepting who he is and not trying to change him, I spend my mornings in quiet reflection with myself and a cup of coffee and go within for the answers I need. I try to be alone in nature as much as I can and I respect animals for who they are and not try to make them human. I read a lot, in all subjects I want to learn and sometimes just for entertainment.

What reminds you that you are human?

An animal will remind me how human I am and that I do not have their natural abilities to live in the now.

How do you perceive the world differently than others?

I feel most people fight against the world and look at to much of the negative and follow the herd even if it leads them to misery. I look at the world as a great big playground where I get to choose what I want to do. It’s struggles are just part of the game but I can always put the toy down and pick up another one. I also do not worry about the world it can take good care of itself despite what we do to it negatively

What is the most valuable life lesson you have learned?

Yikes! I am learning all the time. But I would have to say that if you are not willing to chase your dream and fight your fears you can only blame yourself for where you are in your life. Challenge make you grow, and fear keeps you stuck. You have to live this life you were given and not just be a spectator of the lives of others.

What are you deepest loyalties.

To myself, to my husband, to my family, to my dear friends and mentors, and to all the animals that ever come under my care.

What is the one thing that you couldn’t live without?

The love and support my true love gives me.

What makes you truly feel alive?


What is one thing that you have experienced in your life that can be used to help others?

Good question. I have to say that I have experienced the miracle of walking through the fire  of fear to get to your dream. I look it like this. If you do not like where you are you must face the wall of fire (fear) that is blocking you dream life. You will have to walk through that fire wall and it will burn sometimes, but what is on the other side is so amazing it is worth the scare you received. Don’t let fear stop your dreams. Dream and if it does not work, dream again.

How would you live you life more fully?

Oh boy, I think I should take more chances and learn more things and love myself more and not give energy to fear. I really like the song by Garth Brooks called the “River” it says it all.

My nominees:

Pam Nicholson Photography Blog

Mud Ranch”s Real Dirt

Common Place Grace

My 11 Questions To You

  1. What have you been learning from writing your blog?
  2. Who is your hero?
  3. When you need inspiration, what do you do?
  4. Can you remember what the happiest day in your life was as a child?
  5. When did you know you wanted to do what you are doing today?
  6. If you could be an animal which one would you be and why?
  7. We all have addictions, what is yours? Why do you love it so much?
  8. If you could visit another country all expenses paid where would you go?
  9. Describe you perfect day
  10. We all value the people in our lives, but what do you value that is not a person?
  11. If you had to spend a month snowed in a mountain cabin all alone, what do you think you would do?

Taking A Leap In 2013

Leap of Faith - Krabi Thailand

Leap of Faith – Krabi Thailand (Photo credit: Mr Chris Johnson)

I have been studying photography intensely for the past five years. I had the time and opportunity when I first moved to Belgium because I was not qualified to get a “real” job there due to lack of language skills and adjusting to learning the culture. I knew I needed a craft, something I could do that would give my life or should I say my career life some value. I chose photography because I love to find the beauty in the details of what otherwise would be a mundane scene.

Like all new photographers I tried every thing. Started out with landscapes, which I do still enjoy but something was missing. I was starting to get bored.  I felt there was something else I needed to photograph. I tried, to do  portraits and gathered  family and friends, but I know this is not for me. I just do not feel comfortable telling people how to stand, turn their heads, and please not say cheese. I did not want to orchestrate the photograph I want to capture it.

My daughter-in law with her daughter

My daughter-in law with her daughter

It wasn’t until I went to my first draft horse plowing event in Belgium that I found the passion  that I felt was missing. I am drawn to horses and rural living,  Horses because I know them so well and they have been a big part of my life. Rural living because I have always loved living out away from the crowd. Photographing this draft horse plowing a field with this man who was doing it for the last time was a thrill for me. I love hearing their stories and see what others are doing on their farms and with their animals.

Brabant At Work

Working Man

So here is the leap. I am going to get serious and do the photography I love. Even as I write these words I am afraid of what I am about to do. But I have learned from the past, that being afraid and experiencing fear means you are on to something. If you are not afraid of your dream it is not big enough.

Here is the list of why I am afraid to concentrate my business to horses and rural life.

  1. Because I travel I do not own my own horse  it is not easy to practice.
  2. How many clients could I get with the lifestyle I live by traveling between two countries?
  3. I will have to spend time and money marketing to find my subjects or clients.
  4. The world is moving away from country life and animals and no one will be interested in horses or rural lifestyles anymore.
  5. Can I really get to the level of photography I am trying to achieve?
  6. Can I make a living at creating these kind of photographs?

Now if you are reading this and own a  horse  or live on a back road I am sure you can put my fears to rest because you love horses and rural living as much as I do. But I am coming from the photography business world where you see amazing photographs and feel you will never be this good. I want to aspire to one of the best and it scares me that I may fail.

I could photograph pets, families, weddings, events, sports, etc and maybe carve out a living. But for me there is no passion there and I know I would only be mediocre at best.

So here is my first big leap of 2013. I am going to strive to be a great horse and rural life photographer. I want to make a good living at this so I can continue to grow in my field.

There I said it, now as soon as I press “publish” I must find a way to do this.

Follow me and let’s together see what happens. Will this  be a success or will I have to make a new goal next year? I am dedicating one full year to giving my all to this small niche in photography.

I have made big leaps in my life before, which I will share on occasion here, and I have learned that if you have the heart, and desire and get out-of-the-way life will help you find your path. You first job is to fight off the fear that wants to hold you back.

In my next blog I will share my recent leap to get closer to my family. This was “huge”

New Year New Roads

Road to Breckenridge

Road to Breckenridge

Forest Service Cabin

Forest Service Cabin

Forest Service Cabin

Forest Service Cabin

Cabin In the Mountains

Cabin In the Mountains

Photographs taken in Colorado near Kenosha pass.

This blog may be a bit lengthy but I think if you read this you will see yourself in here and maybe follow me as I commit to blogging.

I have committed a sin with blogging.  I started a blog because “everyone”  says  you need to blog. I have to admit I only did it for that reason, but now I am clear on why blogging and making a commitment is so important. I follow some interesting blogs. Some of them I learn about photography and others inspire me to live more passionately. I understand that sometimes we think our life is to ordinary and no one cares, but I am here to tell you this is not true. Every life has a story and it should be told. It is what makes us feel connected in how we see ourselves in others. It also helps to share the things others will never experience or see. This is why I am committing myself to my blog this year. But first I have confess the “sins of blogging” I have listed below

Here are 10 blogging sins I committed:

  1. Started a blog because “they” say you must
  2. Not having any idea what it was going to be about
  3. Actually getting some followers but not committing to blogging
  4. Not  blogging regularly
  5. Being to scattered
  6. Lacking confidence that someone would want to read it
  7. Hurrying the process
  8. Not providing good content
  9. Not being inspired
  10. Not offering anything of value

So do you see yourself in here? I think we all can say at one time or another that we have committed these sins. In my defense, if I may defend myself a bit here, I have been busy re-constructing my life so I can live an extra-ordinary life rather than just an ordinary life.

I lived for 5 years in Belgium with my wonderful husband because I love him so much, but dealing with missing, family, language barriers, not enough nature, no snow, flying back and forth twice a year, trying to run a business, etc.. has brought me to a point where I knew something had to give.

We talked about it and decided that it would be best if I split my time between these two countries (not your ordinary life I would say)  So I decided to spend my winters in Colorado. I have two of my four children that live there, I love mountains and snow, great airport access, lot’s of ranches and horses, and nature and wildlife just steps away,  and of course many  back roads so I can photograph the things I love.

So here is my excuse or admission of why I have left my blog sit. I have been very busy trying to set this new lifestyle, which makes for some good stories which I plan on sharing here.

This blog will be about my life and all its turns and challenges along with photographs of the things I find when I turn to go down a back road for peace and inspiration. Wether I am in Belgium or in Colorado I will share my experiences and photographs in hope that you, my readers will enjoy the stories of  living this extra-ordinary life. I will share and tell you how it is possible for you to start to live an extra-ordinary life also. But that is for future post.

So please grant me your forgiveness as I commit to writing and posting all the things I find on my back road journey.

I think we all need to share our lives and thoughts and experiences so we can inspire, entertain, share the wisdom and the beauty each of our lives have within them. If you are writing a blog share it with me so I can be inspired by you.

Here is a blog that inspires me.  Sue is a good friend of mine who has taken the time to share her amazing art and her wisdom in her writings.

Enjoy life and share your story
